Monday, December 26, 2016

Pregnancy Month by month

Hi friends if u r feeling morning sickness regularly, feeling changes in ur body, feeling tired all time without any work, ur pregancy test report is possitive then congrats.. Becouse you are pregnant. Enjoy this time. 

Here i am going to disscuss with u pregnancy month by month.

First month:-  In pregnancy first month you don't need to worry, in this month may be you will feel morning sickness, so much tiredness, may be you get need to go washroom again and again, may be your skin color get changed, you can feel like vomit all the time, In this time you should avoid to pick heavy weight, and need to appoint a good gynecologist for you.

Second Month:- In Pregnancy second month you need to care yourself a lot. It can be a tough time for you becouse in this month baby heart gets developed. In this month altrasound you can get the info that in which side your baby heard nd legs. In this month avoid to drive toweehler like scooty etc too. Nd try to be comfertable. This is the time when u should start the calcium ayran etc medicines which you gynecologist refers you.

Third Month :- In Pregnancy third month baby develop his bones nd other outer parts of body like ear, nose, etc. In this month baby's head take a biggest space . In this month risk at higher stage.

Forth Month:-  In Pregnancy forth month, baby develop his harmons, in this time baby weight can ne from 75 grm to 90 grm. In this time your baby heart beats get started.

Fifth Month:- In Pregnancy fifth month baby can gain height near about 25 to 30 cms. Now u can feel the movement of your would be baby. Normally in this month develop his fingers and toes.

Six Month:- In Pregnancy, this month risk reaches at higher stage, some babies take birth in six month they called premature babies. These babies are kept in under observation or icu for one or two month.

Seventh month:- In this month of pregnancy you can feel the kik of baby. It can also effect your sleep, nd digestion system too. Some babies also take birth in this month but that babies need special care.

Eight month:- In this month your baby can take birth at any time. But as long time he will spend in garbh as more he will be healthy. Now your baby is fully developed.

Nine Month:- Now your baby can come in your life any time, its a time of happiness as well as some risky time too. So be carefull. Dont leave alone. Feel all the movement. Some babies take birth before the date of glycologist gives you. So be prepare for that.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Precautions in pregnancy

In pregnancy Dont pick heavy weight like, water filled bucket, box, heavy chair etc.

In pregnancy Dont stand for long time, if u have to stand in kitchen for long time then keep a chair there.

In pregnancy Don't use stairs so much, if u dont live on ground floor then make a work detail nd try to complete your are task in one time up down stairs.

In pregnancy Don't take outside food specially junk food like pizza burger etc and also try to avoid the heavy food of marriages etc it can be cause of infection.

 In pregnancy Don't take so much oily and spicy food otherwise ur problem of acidity can be increase.

In pregnancy Dont take medicines without consulting ur gynecologist even for small problems too.
Avoid heal sandal at all. If u r a working woman then use flat sandle or without lace shoes.

In pregnancy Don't wear tight clothes. Try to wear loose clothes in pregnancy. If you are a working women then you can wear long skirt and kurta or kurta slacs etc it can be most comfortable dress for you. Avoid jeans fully.

According to some books if you use much mobile phone in pregnancy then it can harm your baby. So try to use monile when its nessassary.

In pregnancy don't watch horror movies or serial.
In pregnancy dont do any work which disturb you mentally.

In pregnancy try to avoid go outside. If it is compulsary then avoid  2 wheeler or 3 weelers weehcles. Dont go alone. Book a cab or taxi etc.

In pregnancy Don't leave alone. if u live alone then keep ur mobile fully charge. so in the time of emergency u can call ur partner.

In the time of pregnancy avoid smoking infact if sombody smokes near you then maintain space with him too. passive smoking also harm your baby

In pregnancy dont do any type of jumps etc activities in which a chance of fall down.

In pregnancy eat more then usually u eat. Keep in mind that a baby need 250 to 300 calories so eat properly.

In pregnancy dont keep fast etc. Eat small amount of food in once but take frequently.

In pregnancy drink more water then usually u drink, take water frequently. Be hydrated. Becouse dehydration can be a cause of premature delivery.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Pregnancy Symptoms

Food aversions

If you're newly pregnant, it's not uncommon to feel repelled by the smell of a bologna sandwich or a cup of coffee, and for certain aromas to trigger your gag reflex. Though no one knows for sure, this may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system. You may also find that certain foods you used to enjoy are suddenly completely repulsive to you.

Mood swings

It's common to have mood swings during pregnancy, partly because of hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain). Everyone responds differently to these changes. Some womens heightened emotions, both good and bad; some feel more depressed or anxious.
Note: If you've been feeling sad or hopeless or unable to cope with your daily responsibilities, or you're having thoughts of harming yourself, call your healthcare provider or a mental health professional right away.

Read also pregnancy diet should take in first month

Frequent urination

If your pregnancy starts as early as six weeks then you can feel frequent urination problem, because of hormonal changes prompt a chain of events that raise the rate of blood flow through your kidneys. This causes your bladder to fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often.

Frequent urination will continue – or intensify – as your pregnancy progresses.

Sore Breasts

One common pregnancy symptom is sensitive, swollen breasts caused by rising levels of hormones. The soreness and swelling may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts feel before your period. Your discomfort should diminish significantly after the first trimester, as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.


Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted. No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it's possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone are contributing to your sleepiness. Of course, morning sickness and having to urinate frequently during the night can add to your sluggishness, too.
You should start to feel more energetic once you hit your second trimester, although fatigue usually returns late in pregnancy when you're carrying around a lot more weight and some of the common discomforts of pregnancy make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep.

Read also pregnancy month by month

Morning Sickness

If you are early pregnant you can feel Morning sickness too. It starts after two weeks you've conceived when you're actually four weeks pregnant. It's more common for it to start when you're about six weeks pregnant, though. 

You may feel nauseous, with or without vomiting, at any time of the day or night. Morning sickness usually starts to ease as you reach the end of the trimester.

Get the feeling that you can't stand up straight or that your head is spinning? It's not just random. Dizziness is actually a very common symptom that could explain pregnancy suspicions.

Stuffiness and Headaches

It's not just allergies or your average cold. Stuffiness and headaches are common and are actually officially called "rhinitis of pregnancy."

Read also precautions in pregnancy 

Upset stomach and Indigestion

No matter what you do or eat, your stomach is unhappy. It's not your imagination. In fact, an upset stomach and never-ending indigestion are two of the first symptoms of pregnancy.

Light bleeding or spotting

the last thing you want to see is any spotting or vaginal bleeding. But if you notice just light spotting around the time your period is due, it could be implantation bleeding. 
Note: About 1 in 4 women experience spotting or light bleeding during the first trimester. It's often nothing, but sometimes it's a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. If your bleeding is severe or accompanied by pain or lightheadedness, or if you're at all concerned, call your doctor.

A missed period

If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't arrive on time, you may decide to do a pregnancy test before you notice any of the above symptoms. But if you're not regular or you're not keeping track of your cycle,, breast tenderness and extra trips to the bathroom may signal pregnancy before you realize you didn't get your period.

The proof: A positive home pregnancy test

Before going for a pregnancy test in home keep in mind that some home pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to reliably detect pregnancy until about a week after a missed period. So if you decide to take a test earlier than that and get a negative result, try again in a few days. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Shopping list for a newborn baby

1. Clothing:- first essential things comes in baby list are clothes. clothed should be according to weather. always buy loose or bigger size for your baby so that ur baby feel comfertable wearing them. front button or back button cloths are most preferable.

(1),   T shirts or frocks.
(2),   socks
(3),   caps
(4),   sweater or jackets
(5),   pyjama or leggings
(6),  nappy
(7),  babies panties
(8),  baby baniyan
(9)  bibs
(10), mittens.

Depends on the seasons winter or summers.

2.  Bedding:- newborn baby only sleep well if he or she have all the essential bedding assicerys.

(1),  soft blankets for summer.
(2), Heavy blankets for winter.
(3), washable crib mattress pads.
(4), fitted crib sheets.

3. Diparing:- if we will see some years ago then nobody knows about dipers, but 2day all the parents are using dipers for the comfert of our babies. bcoz they want to keep their bany hygienic.

(1). dipers it come many companies. but according to my experience pamers active baby is the best one for babies.

(2), diper changing clothe or sheet.

(3), diper bag ( depends on ur chooice if u like)

(4), baby wipes

(5), diaper rashes prevent cream

(6),  baby powder for drying baby skin.

4. Bath:- for the bath of a baby these things are essential.

(1), baby soap
(2), baby shampoo or body wash
(3), soft towel hooded or plain
(4), powder.

5. Feeding:- if ur baby is a breastfeeding baby then no need to shopping for feeding.
And if u feed ur baby with bottle then these things are must.

(1), baby bottle
(2), extra nipple for bottle,
(3), bottle cleaning brush
(4), bibs

6. Health:- health issue is the biggest issue for everyone. and when we talk about newborn it become totally red alert topic.

(1), nail cliper
(2), baby termameter
(3), first aid kits.

7. Gear:- thesevthings are optional.

(1), baby sling
(2),  bouncy chair
(3), infant carrier or stroller.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

How to care Newborn baby.

Wash or sanitize ur hands before u handle newborn baby. It will help in reducing the chances of infection.
In the time of handling baby give support to her neck nd head.

Avoid shaking ur baby when u r playing with newborn baby or u r angry. It can harm little baby.
Newborn baby get hungry soon becouse he cant store milk in his small tummy. So dont be stick give milk to the newborn baby when he demand and u feel that baby is hungry.

Dont feed ur baby when u r soo tired, becouse its shift tiredness to little baby.

Dont feed newborn baby when u recently wash ur hair take minimum gape of 1 or 2 hour in feeding or bathing.

Mothermilk is best for newborn baby.

Try to spend ur most of the time with ur baby. So that u can understand her.

Be a expert of nappy change. If ur baby cry and dont take milk then check her nappy first may be the reason behind her crying would be wet nappy or skin irritation from nappy.

In the time of changing her nappy first of all clean her nappy area with wet tissue or cotton wet clothes. If u look rashes on her skin then put ant rashes cream too.
I will prefer himalaya baby's product.

During the first week of newborn baby give only sponge bath till then her umbilicall code falls off, after that u can start bathing of ur baby 2 or 3 times in a week with lukame water.

Collect all the supplier like towel, soap, diaper etc with u in advance so that u  did not took too much time in dressed ur baby.
If u r giving bath to ur baby first time then take the help of ur partner in too.

Give daily masaz to ur baby body with soft hand so that his body get tight. Dont use hard hand it can harm soft skin of new born baby do all these after umbilicall code fall off.

All these tips are based on my personal experience.

Friday, December 9, 2016

How to handle newborn crying baby.

Keep close ur baby 

keep ur baby closed to u because this closeness gives her comfert.

Try to give her milk

if baby doesn't get quite then try to feed her maybe she would feeling hungry.


walking with baby in lap is also a good option to stop crying of ur baby.

Slow music or stop noise

sometime baby likes to listen something so slow music is the best and sometimes baby likes silence. its depends on the mood of baby at that time. So try to understand her mood.

All these are based on personal exprience.

Benifts of mother milk to baby

Easily disgusted 
                       Mother milk is easily disgusted food for newborn baby.

Protect baby from illness
                       Mother milk or breast milk contains antibodies which help to protect baby from illness like cold, fever, urine infection, ear infection etc.

Nursing your baby can even help to protect her against serious illnesses, such as childhood diabetes and leukemia (blood cancer).

Develop Baby Brain 
                                         Mother milk or  Breast milk has fatty acids which are vital for helping your baby brain developement. Exclusively breastfeeding for the first few months can improve your baby's cognitive development.

Important for premature baby
                                         Mother Milk or Breast milk has been found to be important for Premature babies and low weight babies. because they may be more susceptible to infections early in life.
breastfed babies are more efficient at regulating their feedings, leading to healthier eating patterns as they grow.

Maintain body temperature
                                         Breastfeeding is a great way to help your baby maintain her body temperature. Besides keeping her warm,

First day with your newborn baby.

           It is first time when we see our baby, touch him/ her, the feeling of that movement csn not be expressed in the words. On first day baby needs milk 10 to 15 times becouse his or her tummy like a small marbal. So if u r starting with breastfeeding then its a perfect starting of bonding of baby nd mom.
Breastfeeding plays a very important role in the right growth of ur baby. its keep ur baby away from diseases like infaction, diayeria, etc. so try to give baby breastfeed minimum 6 months and in case if you can't then u can give her infant milk etc avavilabe in market but only on the prescription of the doctor.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Reasons behind crying of a newborn baby.

Cry of a baby is a way of communication. he / she very tells his / her problem to us by the way of crying because they don't have any other idea.

5 Main Reasons behind crying of a baby.

Hunger   is the most common reason for cry of a baby. becouse your newborn baby's small stomach can't hold much food in once. so he or she feel hungery soo early infact sometimes in one hour.

Tiredness  sometime baby get tired and wants to sleep but he is can't say that so he or she start crying.

To get proper attention to get attention differ from baby to baby, some baby want to get much attention. so when their parents try to do something they start crying for getting attention.

Nappy change  Sometime baby gets irritation on his skin from and want to get change nappy so he start crying.

Need to be held  Baby needs lots of cuddling, physical contact to comfort her. so he or she get crying loudly.

All these reasons are based on my personal experience.

Congratulation for being a mom

Congratulation for lovely baby.
Good growth of a baby is not so easy, becouse in this case thoerical knowledge does not work, it based on practical.
When a baby take birth he or she does not came with a manual infact their parents dont know that how to handle their baby.
In this blog i am going to sharing my experience which i have facing with my own baby.