Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pregnancy Delivery Symptoms

In Pregnancy Call Your Doctor If

Breaking the waters

If you think you have broken your waters then contact the midwives in the labour ward because they will probably want you to come in and check the baby is okay. They will also confirm the ruptured membranes if you are unsure and discuss your options further.
Labour may start straight away or not for several days after you have broken your waters. Some women will choose to wait a day or two for labour to start by itself while others will be anxious to be induced once the waters have broken.

Remember breaking your waters does not mean you are in labour

 Frequent Urination

Now that baby’s head lies closer to your bladder you may be going to the bathroom more often.

Lower back pain and cramping

During labor, a woman might feel increasing pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas. She may also feel a dull ache in her lower back. 

Diarrhea or nausea

Some women have diarrhea at the beginning of labor or they may start vomiting for reasons that aren't clear, It's also not known which came first, for example, whether the diarrhea occurred and then labor began, or if labor started and this caused diarrhea,

Bloody Show

If your discharge shows more blood than mucus – like a menstrual period or a lot of bright-red blood — report this to your practitioner immediately. Once you notice a bloody show, you are likely to begin labor within three days, but some mothers hang on for another week or two.

Also Read Pregnancy

Strong and regular contractions

True labor involves regular, rhythmic, intense contractions that become closer than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two,  They usually start in a woman's back and then come around to the front.

When not to wait

Don’t hesitate to ring the Doctor

If you are having bleeding that is like a period, rather than just a ‘show’
If you think your water has broken
If your baby is preterm (under 37 weeks)
If you have had a complicated pregnancy or previous complications like a caesarean section
If you are having twins, triplets or more!
If your baby is presenting as a breech (bottom first)
If you are feeling pressure in your bowel with a contraction and want to push
If you had a very rapid first labour (2-3 hours)
If you have Group B Strep and need antibiotics in labour
If you are really worried or not coping

Read Also Pregnancy Month by Month