Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pregnancy Delivery Symptoms

In Pregnancy Call Your Doctor If

Breaking the waters

If you think you have broken your waters then contact the midwives in the labour ward because they will probably want you to come in and check the baby is okay. They will also confirm the ruptured membranes if you are unsure and discuss your options further.
Labour may start straight away or not for several days after you have broken your waters. Some women will choose to wait a day or two for labour to start by itself while others will be anxious to be induced once the waters have broken.

Remember breaking your waters does not mean you are in labour

 Frequent Urination

Now that baby’s head lies closer to your bladder you may be going to the bathroom more often.

Lower back pain and cramping

During labor, a woman might feel increasing pressure or cramping in her pelvic and rectal areas. She may also feel a dull ache in her lower back. 

Diarrhea or nausea

Some women have diarrhea at the beginning of labor or they may start vomiting for reasons that aren't clear, It's also not known which came first, for example, whether the diarrhea occurred and then labor began, or if labor started and this caused diarrhea,

Bloody Show

If your discharge shows more blood than mucus – like a menstrual period or a lot of bright-red blood — report this to your practitioner immediately. Once you notice a bloody show, you are likely to begin labor within three days, but some mothers hang on for another week or two.

Also Read Pregnancy

Strong and regular contractions

True labor involves regular, rhythmic, intense contractions that become closer than five minutes apart for more than an hour or two,  They usually start in a woman's back and then come around to the front.

When not to wait

Don’t hesitate to ring the Doctor

If you are having bleeding that is like a period, rather than just a ‘show’
If you think your water has broken
If your baby is preterm (under 37 weeks)
If you have had a complicated pregnancy or previous complications like a caesarean section
If you are having twins, triplets or more!
If your baby is presenting as a breech (bottom first)
If you are feeling pressure in your bowel with a contraction and want to push
If you had a very rapid first labour (2-3 hours)
If you have Group B Strep and need antibiotics in labour
If you are really worried or not coping

Read Also Pregnancy Month by Month

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Pre labour pain symptoms


Your Joints Feel Looser: 

Before you get in labor, you will notice your joints everywhere your body feel slightly looser. Relax — it’s simply nature’s approach of gap up your pelvis for your very little rider to form his or her manner into the planet.

Your Cervix Dilates:

 It starts to dilate (open) and to efface (thin out) within the days or weeks before you deliver. At your weekly check-ups, your supplier might live and track dilation and effacement via an internal examination. however everybody progresses otherwise, thus don’t be discouraged if you’re dilating slowly (or not the least bit yet).

Stop Gaining Weight/ losing pounds

Weight gain tends to level at the terrible finish of physiological state. Some moms-to-be even lose some of the pounds! this is often normal and won’t affect your baby’s birthweight. He’s still gaining, however, you’re losing because of lower levels of body fluid,

You have diarrhea Just as the muscles in your womb ar restful in preparation for birth, thus are different muscles in your body — as well as those in our body part. that may result in loose internal organ movements. although annoying, this is often normal; keep hydrated and keep in mind it’s an honest sign!


You feel a lot of cramps and increased back pain Especially if this is often not your initial physiological state, you'll feel some crampiness and pain in your groin and lower back as labor nears. Your muscles and joints are stretching and shifting in preparation for birth.

Read Also Precautions in pregnancy

Your Cervix Dilates:

 Your cervix, too, is starting to insure birth: It starts to dilate (open) and to efface (thin out) within the days or weeks before you deliver. At your weekly check-ups, your supplier could live and track dilation and effacement via an internal examination. however everybody progresses otherwise, thus don’t be discouraged if you’re dilating slowly (or not the least bit yet).

Your Baby “Drops” 

Your baby is going in a position to create his exit: head down and low. Yes, you may feel you’re waddling even quote you have got been up till this time — and you will be back to taking terribly frequent restroom breaks such as you did manner back in your trimester, as a result of baby’s head is pushing down on your bladder too. however, the nice news is you have got to a small degree a lot of room since the baby is moving far from your lungs.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Pregnancy is typically broken into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months.


First Trimester

First trimester: 0 - 12 weeks (0 - 3 and a half months)

First Trimester pregnancy opens the door to a completely new world marked by excitement, fear, apprehensions and a wonderful feeling of fulfillment.In reality, this is the time when you have pregnancy and babies all over your mind. This is the time when you get ready to cover the journey of being pregnant and start dreaming about the pleasant changes coming your way.

The first trimester of your week-by-week pregnancy is also a difficult time.when the chances of pregnancy risks are maximum.

Time To Check

your body would start giving indications of pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness symptom, etc. would soon clear all doubts. Approximately, by the fifth week, the news would be confirmed. Logically, therefore, the initial celebrations to greet the dearest one in the world can officially begin.

You must be dying to confirm the news. So why wait, go ahead and take up the early pregnancy tests. They might not be 100% accurate but are closely indicative. The final confirmation must come from the health care practitioner.

Baby Takes Shape

Cells are working together to develop your child in the first-trimester pregnancy. The child in the first-trimester pregnancy can hardly be recognized as a human being and resembles a seed. Right nutrition consumption, basic exercises, and strict precautions can all help develop the child.

Tips for the first trimester

Try not to miss meals

Eat small, dry snacks.

Don't jump up out of bed immediately. Lie quietly for a while and ask your husband to bring you a slice of fresh lemon or orange or a dry, bland biscuit.

Avoid large drinks, have frequent small one between meals.

Spicy, fried foods, and fatty foods like very rich sweets, are best avoided.

Avoid excessive consumption of pickles or chutney, which is rich in salt.

Don't spend much time in the kitchen and avoid the strong smell of certain foods when shopping.

Prepare food when feeling least nauseous.

Taking lemon or orange juice in the morning and before meals relieves nausea of early pregnancy.

Suck an ice cube till nausea passes off.

Sip on cool water.

However, if you have severe, persistent nausea and vomiting, see your doctor. This not so common complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, sometimes calling for prescribed medication and in some cases even hospitalization.

                                                     pregnancy month by month

Read Also Pregnancy Symptoms

Second Trimester

You might be surprised, but the second trimester of pregnancy is the easiest stage!

Second trimester: 12 - 24 weeks (3 1/2 months to 6 mths)

Most of the pregnancy symptoms, including the horrible morning sickness, have vanished and you have also passed the danger of miscarriages that are common in the first stage of pregnancy.

It's time now for outings and enjoying the feeling of creating a life inside! The best thing about second trimester of pregnancy is that you get back your energy. You feel "normal" once again!

During the second trimester of pregnancy, your body increases in size. Your heart starts pumping harder and undergoes a slight increase in size.

Your Baby?

Your baby's face has a defined nose, chin, and forehead by now. Due to the development of facial muscles, she can even smile! Fine hair starts growing all over your baby's body. She has a distinct set of fingerprints. Your baby is about 3 inches in length. She now has her own identity and is no longer just a bunch of cells.


Although the second trimester of pregnancy is relatively easier than the first-trimester pregnancy and third-trimester pregnancy, there are certain problems that might show their face. They are constipation, gas, and bleeding of gums.

Besides this, you may find it extremely uncomfortable to sleep on your back.

You should avoid standing on your feet for prolonged period of time. Take fiber rich food in order to stay away from hemorrhoids. Be conscious of how you sit; your back should be straight.


The best thing about this stage is you can eat what you like, as there is no problem of nausea now. Lots of fibers, fresh vegetables and fruits, and low-fat milk should be a part of your diet. Papaya works wonders during acidity. The smartest thing to do right now asks your partner to drop those cigarettes and you can cut down on the number of wine glasses.

                                Pregnancy in worb

Third Trimester

Third trimester: week 29 - week 40 (6 months to 9 mths)

The third trimester pregnancy period is the toughest

The third-trimester pregnancy is the last three months of pregnancy and it is quite natural that the mother feels a bit anxious and excited, as the day for baby's arrival is fast approaching.

The mother is likely to experience the movements of the growing baby more often during third-trimester pregnancy in comparison to the earlier months.

Mild cramps in the feet and swelling of hands and feet may be experienced, which is common. Braxton Hicks contractions, false pregnancy pain are also one among the common symptoms experienced during third-trimester pregnancy.

However, while it can be a time of unbridled joy, pregnancy may also be a period of intense stress. You may be worried about the weight gain associated with pregnancy. Or you may be wondering whether your baby will be healthy.

You may be anxious about your finances, especially if they weren't good before the news of your baby's arrival. You may also be wondering how your relationship with your spouse will change as a result of the pregnancy. You may even be wondering how your relationship with your parents will be altered as a result of your new baby. You may also be worried about the experience of childbirth and the amount of pain involved.

Most importantly, you might be stressed out about the responsibilities of parenthood. You may be wondering how good a mother or a father you'll make. You may be wondering whether you'll be a good provider, a good comforter, a good disciplinarian. You might be wondering about feeding schedules and middle-of-the-night diaper changes.

All of these worries are natural. However, it is important that your worries do not cause you intolerable anxiety.

                                             Pregnancy Stages

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Pregnancy diet should take first month of pregnancy

Pregnancy Diet in First Month

Congrats you are going to be a mom. So it's important to eat well. If your diet is poor, to begin with then it is even more important to make sure that you have a healthy diet.

These are some foods which you should start to take in the first month of pregnancy for a healthy baby.


Fruits: - In Pregnancy taking fruits is the best food for the pregnant women. Most of the fruits are rich in vitamins, water content, and antioxidants. Some fruits are rich in fiber too. At least 3 servings of fruits taken every day is a good way to kickstart your diet in the first month of pregnancy. Fruits like orange, guava, musk melon, pomegranate etc are the best fruits for 1st-month pregnancy.

Dairy products or Milk products: - In Pregnancy women required many proteins, vitamins etc and Milk is a wonderful source of proteins, vitamins, calcium, water, healthy fats, folic acid and Vitamin D (if fortified with a supplement). Dairy products like yogurt and hard cheeses are as good as a glassful of milk too. Your daily intake of milk and milk products should come to about one liter. To avoid boredom, mix and match flavors and innovate to find out what you like best.

Read Also Pregnancy Month by month

Iron rich products: - In Pregnancy, it is common knowledge that iron is the magic mineral vital for maintaining a steady flow of blood for both mother and fetus. The fetus requires a supply of iron-rich blood to provide it with oxygen and nutrients. Add a lot of iron rich foods in the first month as your doctor will not be prescribing iron pills until the fourth month of pregnancy. To include iron, eat foods like Beetroot, oatmeal, bran, tuna (tinned), beans, dried fruits, chicken, and mutton.


Folate-rich products: - In Pregnancy your doctor may have prescribed you folic acid pills and supplements, you still need to include folate-rich foods in your diet, as it is important for sustaining a pregnancy and also for the development of the embryo. Foods rich in folate include oranges, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, eggs, beans, greens, etc. Fortified breakfast included oats, cornflakes, whole-wheat flakes etc.

Meats: - In Pregnancy All hygienically cooked meats are safe for expecting mothers, as they are rich sources of proteins and vitamins.

Vitamin C: - In Pregnancy vitamin C is also necessary to absorb iron by the body. Citrus fruits, soya, tomato, spinach, etc are rich in vitamin C.


Read Also Precautions in pregnancy

Sugary foods: - In Pregnancy Carbohydrates and sugars are essential for maintaining a level of at least 200-300 extra calories a day that your body needs to make a healthy baby. Eat non-complex sugars, natural sugars to give yourself that spurt of extra energy. Consume fresh fruits, sweetened porridge, pancakes, puddings, fresh fruit juices, and smoothies, etc.

Vitamin B6: - In Pregnancy, vitamin B6 is important to diet, as it can help inhibit nausea and vomiting. Nausea/vomiting is most often the biggest issue and almost all women feel varying degrees of it. Instead of taking medications for the problem, include foods rich in Vitamin B6 like whole grains, salmon, peanut butter, bananas, nuts, etc.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Pregnancy :- How to know something is wrong

When You Need To Call Your Doctor.          

Your body is getting changing so fast it is natural because you are going to give birth to a baby but in these rapid chages it's quit diffecult to know that these changes are normall or good or not.

So if you feel any symptoms which are mentioned below then call you doctor immediately without deley becouse its can be dangerous for you and your baby.

1. Change or absence of foetal movement ( baby's kicking or turning) more then 24 hours after the 20th week.

2. Dont take stress if you are getting weight becouse it is normal in pregnancy but if you are putting weight 4 pounds in a week then it can be a serious matter.

3.. If you are looking swelling on your face or hand then contact your doctor immediately.

4. Vomiting that continues over several days and accours more then 4 to 5 times in a day, particularly after the first trimester when morning sickness should have subsided.

5.  High fever specially with chills can be a sing of infection which is wrong in pregnancy.

6. Visual disturbance such as blurring or double vision.

7. Vaginal bleeding or sporting.

8. A severe headache which continues 5 to 6 hours in a day.

9. Burning sensation or pain when urinating are also possible sign of bladder infaction. Which can be the cause of premature labor. Urinating smaller is also can be a sign that something can be wrong.

10. Vaginal discharge, itching, etc also could be a sign of treatable vaginal infection.

11. Severe pain above the stomach, and under the rib cage

12. Back pain which is regular or continues and doesn't quit from a long time. If u r facing it then you should contact your doctor so that she can check that this pain is normal pain of pregnancy or some infection in kidney or bladder.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Pregnancy Water Importance

"Drinking enough water prevents dehydration. Dehydration duringpregnancy can lead to many complications such as headaches, nausea, cramps, oedema and dizziness. This is especially importantin the third trimester when dehydration can actually cause contractions that can trigger preterm labour."

pregnant or not, you need water to preserve healthful. your body and your crucial organs need to have water to function nicely. all through being pregnant, your frame wishes greater water to cope with the needs of your converting frame. water is critical for healthful blood cells and to preserve your body hydrated.

water is also a key factor of breast milk, and crucial for first rate lactation.Everyday water intake is better throughout being pregnantto that quit, you’ll need more water to preserve your device going for walks for 2 for the duration of being pregnant.

 The institute of medicine says pregnant ladies in temperate climates have to intention to drink 12 or thirteen glasses every day, it's barely extra than the amount for non-pregnant women (round 11 glasses every day). try to a location out your sips to preserve them coming steadily in the course of the day in place of gulping hundreds right away, that could leave you feeling uncomfortably complete. considering the fact that the general public doesn't drink sufficient fluids, filling a water bottle or every morning and retaining it available all day takes the problem out of hydration. make certain to sip in advance then, at some stage in and after you work out, or if you discover your self-outdoor on a hot day. The phrase, too, that in case you sense thirsty, it’s a sign that your body is already in its manner to being are you going to inform in case you're getting sufficient? if your journeys to the relaxation room are frequent and your urine is light or colorless, you are eating is of course. if staying hydrated is a warfare for you, get within the dependency of bringing a water bottle with you anywhere you skip. having a water bottle on hand at some level within the day will remind you to live hydrated and challenge you to drink the encouraged quantity of water every case you make it a concern to live adequately hydrated over the following 9 months, you’ll be putting your little one up for a wholesome life out of doors the womb. so right here’s to you and your infant, cheers to a healthy being pregnant

Monday, December 26, 2016

Pregnancy Month by month

Hi friends if u r feeling morning sickness regularly, feeling changes in ur body, feeling tired all time without any work, ur pregancy test report is possitive then congrats.. Becouse you are pregnant. Enjoy this time. 

Here i am going to disscuss with u pregnancy month by month.

First month:-  In pregnancy first month you don't need to worry, in this month may be you will feel morning sickness, so much tiredness, may be you get need to go washroom again and again, may be your skin color get changed, you can feel like vomit all the time, In this time you should avoid to pick heavy weight, and need to appoint a good gynecologist for you.

Second Month:- In Pregnancy second month you need to care yourself a lot. It can be a tough time for you becouse in this month baby heart gets developed. In this month altrasound you can get the info that in which side your baby heard nd legs. In this month avoid to drive toweehler like scooty etc too. Nd try to be comfertable. This is the time when u should start the calcium ayran etc medicines which you gynecologist refers you.

Third Month :- In Pregnancy third month baby develop his bones nd other outer parts of body like ear, nose, etc. In this month baby's head take a biggest space . In this month risk at higher stage.

Forth Month:-  In Pregnancy forth month, baby develop his harmons, in this time baby weight can ne from 75 grm to 90 grm. In this time your baby heart beats get started.

Fifth Month:- In Pregnancy fifth month baby can gain height near about 25 to 30 cms. Now u can feel the movement of your would be baby. Normally in this month develop his fingers and toes.

Six Month:- In Pregnancy, this month risk reaches at higher stage, some babies take birth in six month they called premature babies. These babies are kept in under observation or icu for one or two month.

Seventh month:- In this month of pregnancy you can feel the kik of baby. It can also effect your sleep, nd digestion system too. Some babies also take birth in this month but that babies need special care.

Eight month:- In this month your baby can take birth at any time. But as long time he will spend in garbh as more he will be healthy. Now your baby is fully developed.

Nine Month:- Now your baby can come in your life any time, its a time of happiness as well as some risky time too. So be carefull. Dont leave alone. Feel all the movement. Some babies take birth before the date of glycologist gives you. So be prepare for that.