Thursday, January 19, 2017


Pregnancy is typically broken into three periods, or trimesters, each of about three months.


First Trimester

First trimester: 0 - 12 weeks (0 - 3 and a half months)

First Trimester pregnancy opens the door to a completely new world marked by excitement, fear, apprehensions and a wonderful feeling of fulfillment.In reality, this is the time when you have pregnancy and babies all over your mind. This is the time when you get ready to cover the journey of being pregnant and start dreaming about the pleasant changes coming your way.

The first trimester of your week-by-week pregnancy is also a difficult time.when the chances of pregnancy risks are maximum.

Time To Check

your body would start giving indications of pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness symptom, etc. would soon clear all doubts. Approximately, by the fifth week, the news would be confirmed. Logically, therefore, the initial celebrations to greet the dearest one in the world can officially begin.

You must be dying to confirm the news. So why wait, go ahead and take up the early pregnancy tests. They might not be 100% accurate but are closely indicative. The final confirmation must come from the health care practitioner.

Baby Takes Shape

Cells are working together to develop your child in the first-trimester pregnancy. The child in the first-trimester pregnancy can hardly be recognized as a human being and resembles a seed. Right nutrition consumption, basic exercises, and strict precautions can all help develop the child.

Tips for the first trimester

Try not to miss meals

Eat small, dry snacks.

Don't jump up out of bed immediately. Lie quietly for a while and ask your husband to bring you a slice of fresh lemon or orange or a dry, bland biscuit.

Avoid large drinks, have frequent small one between meals.

Spicy, fried foods, and fatty foods like very rich sweets, are best avoided.

Avoid excessive consumption of pickles or chutney, which is rich in salt.

Don't spend much time in the kitchen and avoid the strong smell of certain foods when shopping.

Prepare food when feeling least nauseous.

Taking lemon or orange juice in the morning and before meals relieves nausea of early pregnancy.

Suck an ice cube till nausea passes off.

Sip on cool water.

However, if you have severe, persistent nausea and vomiting, see your doctor. This not so common complication of pregnancy can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, sometimes calling for prescribed medication and in some cases even hospitalization.

                                                     pregnancy month by month

Read Also Pregnancy Symptoms

Second Trimester

You might be surprised, but the second trimester of pregnancy is the easiest stage!

Second trimester: 12 - 24 weeks (3 1/2 months to 6 mths)

Most of the pregnancy symptoms, including the horrible morning sickness, have vanished and you have also passed the danger of miscarriages that are common in the first stage of pregnancy.

It's time now for outings and enjoying the feeling of creating a life inside! The best thing about second trimester of pregnancy is that you get back your energy. You feel "normal" once again!

During the second trimester of pregnancy, your body increases in size. Your heart starts pumping harder and undergoes a slight increase in size.

Your Baby?

Your baby's face has a defined nose, chin, and forehead by now. Due to the development of facial muscles, she can even smile! Fine hair starts growing all over your baby's body. She has a distinct set of fingerprints. Your baby is about 3 inches in length. She now has her own identity and is no longer just a bunch of cells.


Although the second trimester of pregnancy is relatively easier than the first-trimester pregnancy and third-trimester pregnancy, there are certain problems that might show their face. They are constipation, gas, and bleeding of gums.

Besides this, you may find it extremely uncomfortable to sleep on your back.

You should avoid standing on your feet for prolonged period of time. Take fiber rich food in order to stay away from hemorrhoids. Be conscious of how you sit; your back should be straight.


The best thing about this stage is you can eat what you like, as there is no problem of nausea now. Lots of fibers, fresh vegetables and fruits, and low-fat milk should be a part of your diet. Papaya works wonders during acidity. The smartest thing to do right now asks your partner to drop those cigarettes and you can cut down on the number of wine glasses.

                                Pregnancy in worb

Third Trimester

Third trimester: week 29 - week 40 (6 months to 9 mths)

The third trimester pregnancy period is the toughest

The third-trimester pregnancy is the last three months of pregnancy and it is quite natural that the mother feels a bit anxious and excited, as the day for baby's arrival is fast approaching.

The mother is likely to experience the movements of the growing baby more often during third-trimester pregnancy in comparison to the earlier months.

Mild cramps in the feet and swelling of hands and feet may be experienced, which is common. Braxton Hicks contractions, false pregnancy pain are also one among the common symptoms experienced during third-trimester pregnancy.

However, while it can be a time of unbridled joy, pregnancy may also be a period of intense stress. You may be worried about the weight gain associated with pregnancy. Or you may be wondering whether your baby will be healthy.

You may be anxious about your finances, especially if they weren't good before the news of your baby's arrival. You may also be wondering how your relationship with your spouse will change as a result of the pregnancy. You may even be wondering how your relationship with your parents will be altered as a result of your new baby. You may also be worried about the experience of childbirth and the amount of pain involved.

Most importantly, you might be stressed out about the responsibilities of parenthood. You may be wondering how good a mother or a father you'll make. You may be wondering whether you'll be a good provider, a good comforter, a good disciplinarian. You might be wondering about feeding schedules and middle-of-the-night diaper changes.

All of these worries are natural. However, it is important that your worries do not cause you intolerable anxiety.

                                             Pregnancy Stages

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